Favorite Tune of the Day

Earl – All That Glitters

Self-explanatory! But some of us want it all. Greed. Gluttony. We have to control every second of our existence. Besides (shrugs shoulders)… we only have one life.

Favorite Tune of the Day

The Smithereens – Too Much Passion

Too much of what you enjoy is pure magic. You can’t see it. But, you can feel what it does to your imagination. Once that imagination turns on, there is no limit to the fun. Making that moment turn into sure fun is pure magic.

Favorite Tune of the Day

The Smashing Pumpkins – 1979

You know back when we enjoyed life, before Reality showed up to the party. Now it’s fighting monsters and dragons with a toothpick. Now it’s being thrown in the middle of the ocean with only the cushion from your airplane seat to survive. Now when you wake up expecting the sun to shine, it’s hiding behind that one dark cloud that has no desire to leave your presents. Now it’s seeing the light at the end of the tunnel only to realize that it’s a fast train heading your way. Now it’s trying to get the people that believe in you and understand you to be by your side. Shake your head slow because it’s a dream.