Favorite Tune of the Day

Doves – The Man Who Told Everything

It’s about that time to get away from these stressful every situations. The difference between night and day is told only by the sun and the moon. Everything else is the same. Catch the first train smoking, the first flight out or the first set of car keys that you can grab. Time to get away!

Favorite Tune of the Day

reggie – Traffic

Those moments in life… You’re watching it pass you by. Day dreaming about better days. Lost in the moment of better decisions made. The sun going down just as fast as it blessed your eyes with it’s presence a few hours earlier. Walking backwards doesn’t make time slower. It’s already after midnight. One more song before you turn it in on the sofa. (Smile)

Favorite Tune of the Day

Luka – Unexpected (Rancido’s Traveling Mix)

They will never know what you’re capable of. But when the volcano erupts no one is safe and no one will be spared. No One!

Favorite Tune of the Day

The Smashing Pumpkins – 1979

You know back when we enjoyed life, before Reality showed up to the party. Now it’s fighting monsters and dragons with a toothpick. Now it’s being thrown in the middle of the ocean with only the cushion from your airplane seat to survive. Now when you wake up expecting the sun to shine, it’s hiding behind that one dark cloud that has no desire to leave your presents. Now it’s seeing the light at the end of the tunnel only to realize that it’s a fast train heading your way. Now it’s trying to get the people that believe in you and understand you to be by your side. Shake your head slow because it’s a dream.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Solu Music feat. Kimblee – Sunsets

The finish line… Doesn’t matter which finish line that you’re aiming for, it always seems that it is far away because of time! Watching and waiting on TIME!