Favorite Tune of the Day

Earl – All That Glitters

Self-explanatory! But some of us want it all. Greed. Gluttony. We have to control every second of our existence. Besides (shrugs shoulders)… we only have one life.

Favorite Tune of The Day

Blondie -Tide Is High

If you’re a Stalker or Stalkeress, this is your song. You’ll battle any obstacle just to get what you want. Even if you have to wait it out. And once you get what you want, there will be a new religion.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Ivy – These Are The Things About You

This is what happens when you’re connected. No matter how far the distance. No matter!!!

Favorite Time of the Day

Potsu – Letting Go

Taking a step back to look at the chalk board. The drawn out chaos that you’ve written. There’s a solution to be found. This so called solution would not be possible to find. If you would’ve never taken a step back. (Letting Go) The start over will hit like a slow bullet!