Favorite Tune of the Day

Jet – Look What You’ve Done

That road that becomes so familiar. The road that you can drive backwards without any mirrors or rear window. That road that you’ve explained to so many people about. Then the realization that it’s just you in the end…that you were the problem all along.

Favorite Tune of The Day

Blondie -Tide Is High

If you’re a Stalker or Stalkeress, this is your song. You’ll battle any obstacle just to get what you want. Even if you have to wait it out. And once you get what you want, there will be a new religion.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Ivy – These Are The Things About You

This is what happens when you’re connected. No matter how far the distance. No matter!!!

Favorite Tune of the Day

Alicia Keys – Feelin U (Gruvhunter & Chris IDH Remix)

I would like to thank all of my followers and all of my visitors that stop by just to see what’s going on! Your likes and comments are greatly appreciated and helpful in more ways than just clicking the “Like” button! It’s like I’ve always said… “That feeling of being accepted let’s you know that you’re not alone here!”

Thank You,

Musical Genius