Favorite Tune of the Day

Madonna – Human Nature

When you realize that you were maybe too blind to see the signs before there was a commitment made. Who should the blame fall upon? It’s human to fall for something and get blindsided by their true persona. So there’s no need to apologize for what you thought was true.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Earl – All That Glitters

Self-explanatory! But some of us want it all. Greed. Gluttony. We have to control every second of our existence. Besides (shrugs shoulders)… we only have one life.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Jeff Goldblum – Don’t Worry About Me (feat. Fiona Apple)

Someone of us are used to the curves in the road. The curves that are up ahead we’ve seen before. Doesn’t bother us. Now with that being said. If you would like to get out of car because of your fear of what might happen. Please get out because, your worries are just that. Your worries not ours. We’ve been hurt before!

Favorite Tune of the Day

Chloe Bodur – Come With Me

Alone or not, that feeling that the imaginative mind produces of being in a different place. Because let’s be real, we all know where you want to be and here is not the place.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Other Lives – No Trouble

With the exception of your children, is there a love in your lifetime that will wait for you on the other side when you die? Is there a love that you will wait for when you’ve already passed over to the other side? Inquiring minds are waiting for the answer.

My Favorite Tune of the Day

Garbage – Temptation Waits

I’m like an addict coming at you for a little more. There so much at stake, I can’t afford to wait… I’ve never needed anyone like this before! – Shirley Manson (Garbage)