Favorite Tune of the Day

reggie – Traffic

Those moments in life… You’re watching it pass you by. Day dreaming about better days. Lost in the moment of better decisions made. The sun going down just as fast as it blessed your eyes with it’s presence a few hours earlier. Walking backwards doesn’t make time slower. It’s already after midnight. One more song before you turn it in on the sofa. (Smile)

Favorite Tune of the Day

Earl – All That Glitters

Self-explanatory! But some of us want it all. Greed. Gluttony. We have to control every second of our existence. Besides (shrugs shoulders)… we only have one life.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Depeche Mode – The Love Thieves

For the longest time i was lead to believe that happiness is a drug. An addictive drug. SMH…Happiness is an energy. A powerful and bright energy. When others see it, they want a taste of it. But beware of those that want to use you for it. They want it all. They want to steal that joy, that happiness, that power. And leave you laying wondering what happened. Now don’t get happiness confused with love. Love is too powerful for one soul. It’s better when it’s shared, because there’s always a price to pay for Love.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Don Henley – Heart of the Matter

In belief that all puzzles should have a solution and there must be a reason why. Even the calmest person gets frustrated out loud!

Favorite Tune of the Day

Des’ree – You Gotta Be

The factors involved in-which there is the feeling of your time not being taken for granted or wasted is limitless! – C. Hall