Favorite Tune of the Day

Chloe Bodur – Reasons

Reasons there is commitment. Simply because of what you do to me.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Fauxliage – All The World

That familiar face is hiding behind that wall and keeps peeking it’s head out. It knows it’s been seen. It has no fear. Eventually it will be fed and I will be the one to feed it. It knows my life better than I know my own. The Owner!

Favorite Tune of the Day

E.Jones – Rooftop Summer

Blessed are we inside this prayer, for in the new world we will be there. The only Love there is, is the Love we make. – T.A.F.K.A.P.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Luka – Unexpected (Rancido’s Traveling Mix)

They will never know what you’re capable of. But when the volcano erupts no one is safe and no one will be spared. No One!

My Favorite Tune of the Day

The Notwist – Pilot

Unfortunately this spaceship ride called life set on autopilot doesn’t slowdown. Only if we could take control and become the pilot ourselves!

Favorite Tune of the Day

Sleepy Brown feat. Pharrell – Margaritas

Lost or not where we should be?

I’m ready for paradise… Sand, turquoise water, sun, nice heat, good company, bikini babes walking by smiling, winking, or an occasional wave. Oh and most important… Margaritas!