Favorite Tune of the Day

Soldiers of Twilight – Believe

I’ve been to a few places in my life. Up, down, sideways, straight-ahead, backwards, Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Tennessee, Florida, Oklahoma, New York, Amarillo, South Padre Island, D.C., Berlin, Katowice, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Prague, Mallorca, Mexico, Toronto, Croatia, Budapest, Turkey, Austria, Switzerland, London… The party only starts when you want it to.

Favorite Tune of the Day 

Al Green – Look what you done for me 

Listen… “Sometimes I wanna leave but, then I say. It wouldn’t make sense at all anyways!  Preach Al Preach 

Favorite Tune of the Day

Banda Dalai Lam – Ya tak Lublu

Doesn’t matter which language you speak or understand.  When the song is good you will listen!