Favorite Tune of the Day

Saint Motel – Just My Type

Sweep me away. Where? Anywhere but here. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You’re just the person I’ve been searching for because, you have an extra ticket to anywhere!

Favorite Tune of the Day

reggie – Traffic

Those moments in life… You’re watching it pass you by. Day dreaming about better days. Lost in the moment of better decisions made. The sun going down just as fast as it blessed your eyes with it’s presence a few hours earlier. Walking backwards doesn’t make time slower. It’s already after midnight. One more song before you turn it in on the sofa. (Smile)

Favorite Tune of the Day

Soul Avengerz – Love You Feel

Let’s start a debate. Nothing makes you feel free like a good song. When your soul feels the song, parts of your body move uncontrollably. Good Music is for the soul. Free your soul. Dance uncontrollably without caring who sees!

Favorite Tune of the Day

E.Jones – Rooftop Summer

Blessed are we inside this prayer, for in the new world we will be there. The only Love there is, is the Love we make. – T.A.F.K.A.P.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Sting – (Epilogue) Nothing Bout Me

Straight forward… I’m just a simple man. But you still don’t know me! Because I’m not like anyone that you’ve experienced. It’s hard to understand the simpleness of just being simple and calm!