Favorite Tune of the Day

Doves – The Man Who Told Everything

It’s about that time to get away from these stressful every situations. The difference between night and day is told only by the sun and the moon. Everything else is the same. Catch the first train smoking, the first flight out or the first set of car keys that you can grab. Time to get away!

Favorite Tune of the Day

Madonna – Human Nature

When you realize that you were maybe too blind to see the signs before there was a commitment made. Who should the blame fall upon? It’s human to fall for something and get blindsided by their true persona. So there’s no need to apologize for what you thought was true.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Depeche Mode – The Love Thieves

For the longest time i was lead to believe that happiness is a drug. An addictive drug. SMH…Happiness is an energy. A powerful and bright energy. When others see it, they want a taste of it. But beware of those that want to use you for it. They want it all. They want to steal that joy, that happiness, that power. And leave you laying wondering what happened. Now don’t get happiness confused with love. Love is too powerful for one soul. It’s better when it’s shared, because there’s always a price to pay for Love.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Fauxliage – All The World

That familiar face is hiding behind that wall and keeps peeking it’s head out. It knows it’s been seen. It has no fear. Eventually it will be fed and I will be the one to feed it. It knows my life better than I know my own. The Owner!