Favorite Tune of the Day

E.Jones – Rooftop Summer

Blessed are we inside this prayer, for in the new world we will be there. The only Love there is, is the Love we make. – T.A.F.K.A.P.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Jazz Spastiks feat. Apani B. Fly – Move

Going with the flow. Sliding pass the daily obstacles. Dodging those snakes. Sneaking by where the shadows are enormous. Slipping over the constant glares of intrigue. Only to get caught in the spotlight. Attracting glitter like i’m glue.

Favorite Tune of the Day

The Smashing Pumpkins – 1979

You know back when we enjoyed life, before Reality showed up to the party. Now it’s fighting monsters and dragons with a toothpick. Now it’s being thrown in the middle of the ocean with only the cushion from your airplane seat to survive. Now when you wake up expecting the sun to shine, it’s hiding behind that one dark cloud that has no desire to leave your presents. Now it’s seeing the light at the end of the tunnel only to realize that it’s a fast train heading your way. Now it’s trying to get the people that believe in you and understand you to be by your side. Shake your head slow because it’s a dream.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Jet – Look What You’ve Done

That road that becomes so familiar. The road that you can drive backwards without any mirrors or rear window. That road that you’ve explained to so many people about. Then the realization that it’s just you in the end…that you were the problem all along.

My Favorite Tune of the Day

The Notwist – Pilot

Unfortunately this spaceship ride called life set on autopilot doesn’t slowdown. Only if we could take control and become the pilot ourselves!

Favorite Tune of the Day

Our Lady of Peace – One Man Army

When you’re absolutely ready to get the world off of your shoulders and motivated to face those demons head up. And you’ve come to the realization that you’re in this alone and you will not hesitate this time. You’ve fallen for their shit before but not this time around!