Favorite Tune of the Day

Something For Kate – Monsters

So my monsters seem to come out to torture me when there’s no one to lend an ear. When there’s no one willing to wear my shoes. When they know that i am in a room without a door nor window to ease my mind into an escape. Mr. Understood, because these cards are not worth playing. I’ve lost too many battles to these monsters just to be told i am the reason that they come. Expectations never par. Hopefullness has only produced disappointments. How can I be nursed back to my feet and be a part of a healthy sunshine that gives me happiness and strength through this happiness that’s soul fulfilling? Because monsters don’t stand a chance against my ideal world.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Depeche Mode – The Love Thieves

For the longest time i was lead to believe that happiness is a drug. An addictive drug. SMH…Happiness is an energy. A powerful and bright energy. When others see it, they want a taste of it. But beware of those that want to use you for it. They want it all. They want to steal that joy, that happiness, that power. And leave you laying wondering what happened. Now don’t get happiness confused with love. Love is too powerful for one soul. It’s better when it’s shared, because there’s always a price to pay for Love.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Chloe Bodur – Come With Me

Alone or not, that feeling that the imaginative mind produces of being in a different place. Because let’s be real, we all know where you want to be and here is not the place.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Other Lives – No Trouble

With the exception of your children, is there a love in your lifetime that will wait for you on the other side when you die? Is there a love that you will wait for when you’ve already passed over to the other side? Inquiring minds are waiting for the answer.

Favorite Tune of the Day

Erlend Øye – La Prima Estate

cool Song… aboUt meeting a girl in anOther country while on summeR vacatIon. EventualLy he moves there And becomes close frieNds with people there. theY (new friends) help him writE this sonG about the gIrl Lucia Mentioned in the song. 😉